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Are you a team-player? Can you save someone’s life when you are alone?
Are you a team-player? Can you save someone’s life when you are alone?
Are you a team-player? Can you save someone’s life when you are alone?


Clients who seek successful solutions or cannot deal with existing problems are provided with complete consulting service. We offer ready-made solutions within first-aid and rescue systems for companies and institutions. We analyse  a situation, needs and possibilities of our Client, afterwards we prepare the best variant, we counsel as well as we support the launch of the project.

Emermed consulting offer may include:
  • Creating first-aid systems required by law in a company area,

  • Risk analysis and eliminating threats in shopfloors,

  • Supervision and creation of programmes of workers protection and OSH systems,

  • Supporting already existing OSH services.

We propose the following within permanent service for shopfloors:
  • Counselling in the area of OSH regulations and laws in force,

  • Controlling working conditions and the obedience of occupational safety and health laws,

  • Immediate information to employers about verified shortcomings and threats, and presentation of preventive conclusions  in order to eliminate the danger,

  • Help in preparing company regulations organizing OSH issues,

  • Preparation of documents referring to accidents at work, on the way to or from work, verified work-related diseases and suspicion of such diseases,

  • Complicity in  representing the principal in front of the National Work Inspection and the National Health Inspection,

  • Conducting the registration required by the National Health Inspection,

  • Counselling in the area of working clothes and the means of individual security for workers,

  • Making an annual analysis of OSH conditions that includes suggestions of working conditions improvement,

  • Conducting initial general and temporary trainings for all employees,

  • Participation in doing working conditions examination, 

  • Help in making documentation of job risk assessment.

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